Inim was born to protect the lives of people. To ensure that the things they hold precious do not go up in smoke. To make the pleasure of comfort fully automatic. To give light to a new future.
- Videonovērošanas sistēmas
- Gudra māja
Ugunsgrēka signalizācija
- Konvencionālā ugunsdrošības sistēma
- INIM adrešu ugunsdrošības sistēma
- Jade Bird adrešu ugunsdrošības sistēma
- INIM UltraVox balss evakuācijas un skaļruņu sistēma
INIM bezvadu ugunsdrošības sistēma FireVibes
- INIM evakuācijas sistēma
INIM aspirācijas sistēma
- CO noplūdes noteikšanas sistēma
Autonomie uguns sensori
- Apsardzes signalizācija
- Lauka teritorijas apsardze
- Ieejas kontroles sistēma
- Sarunu ierīces
- Barošanas avoti
- Instalācijas piederumi
- Datortīkli
- Kopēju izsaukšanas sistēma
Inim Electronics
Inim develops state-of-the-art systems for antintrusion, fire detection, home automation and emergency lighting. Integrated systems of the newest design that protect and control automatically residential, commercial and institutional buildings. Inim innovates to simplify the life of the installer and the end-user by means of devices that are both easy to install and use. From design to production, from testing to marketing, every Inim product is made in Italy to be appreciated in the world.